New Door Impact Report


Long Format Print





New Door Ventures believes in a world where every young person has the chance to become a financially stable and independent adult. Their programs in California's Bay Area for youth ages 17-24 put them on the path to economic opportunity by providing the work experiences, skills, and support they need to obtain permanent employment and a high school equivalency.

When the New Door team asked for our assistance in designing their Impact Report, we were given total creative license—while working within their brand, of course. So, we designed a report that's as vibrant, active, and forward-thinking as the organization is.

Over 16 neat pages (proof that an Impact Report doesn't have to be big to be—well, impactful—it's immediately clear who New Door's audience is as well as the services they provide. With the goal of drawing attention to their data points as well as to the stories of their programs, volunteers, and youth spotlights, we created a fresh report with purposeful iconography and color elements that draw your eye and make you want to read more.

Our favorite parts? The photography treatment—especially on the cover!, how the map detail outlines how many incredible partnerships New Door has with local businesses, and the intentional QR codes where we direct people to read or watch more at New Doors website.

A huge thank you to the team at New Door for letting us explore our creativity while staying true to your brand. We love working with you!


Avenidas 2023-24 Annual Report


40th Anniversary Logo