Dream Volunteers Impact Report


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Dream Volunteers hosts international service trips, puts on educational programs, and sponsors over 1,000 scholarships. They strive to connect and educate young people across the globe and empower them to make change within their communities. In 15 years of this amazing work, they have never created an impact report, so with Teresa Decker as a strategy and writing partner, I helped them showcase the incredible change in communities worldwide.

There are a lot of different journeys within Dream Volunteers, and they're not linear, they all intertwine and merge together, so I made the design of the report mirror that. I focused on layering elements and visualizing information in an organic and friendly way. It's a community-driven organization, so I made sure the design represented a network of students and volunteers. I literally created a web connecting all of the different experiences and programs students participate in. I emphasized storytelling over data. Candid, unposed photos show the real human element to the organization and highlight what Dream Volunteers really cares about: the people.


Closing the Gap Report


Academy for Little Learners Website